Zavolajte nám: 0905/972 460
Jilemnického 7, 059 52 Veľká Lomnica Mapa

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<span>How to arrive at</span> Our Location

How to arrive at Our Location


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From Ciampino Airport

  • Take the C-32B towards Barcelona
  • Take exit 11 (Les Corts, Zona Universitaria)
  • Take the B-23 until arriving into Barcelona
  • Continue on Avinguda Diagonal straight ahead until no 589

From the Railway Station

  • Follow the M3, A2 and A20 from the City centre
  • Head towards Newtownards
  • You’ll find the hotel opposite the famous Stormont
  • Castle and Parliament Buildings.

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  • Take the C-32B towards Barcelona
  • Take exit 11 (Les Corts, Zona Universitaria)

  • Take the B-23 until arriving into Barcelona
  • Continue on Avinguda Diagonal straight ahead until no 589

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